Motor control
Speed variators for asynchronous motors
DVC has a range of “standard” products to control asynchronous motors from 300 to 1,000 W. These variators are available in built-in or external versions.
Use: Domestic heating control, backup or hoods.
Stepping motor controller
Known for their robustness and their indestructibility, the stepping motors are easily controlled by DVC drivers. At this time these motors do not need to be equipped with an encoder.
Use: valve positioning, linear movements, etc.
Driver for BLDC brushless motor
A reduction in the electrical consumption of motors is a priority for companies. DVC is on hand to produce low consumption, low noise level speed variators. The drivers developed by DVC will also increase the lifespan of your motors.
Use: floor convector, scrolling panels, refrigeration, replacement of brushed motors, etc.
Driver for brushed motor
DVC develops specific drivers for brushed motors which enable them to achieve the performance of a servomotor, with a high torque and this at a reduced cost.
Use: Presses, valves, positioning, etc.
Fan motor
DVC develops modules to control all types of fans, from simple fans for heating to laminar flow fans for laboratory hoods. Control can be by 0-10V, PWM, etc.
The flow or pressure can be maintained constant using specific algorithms, pressure sensors or customised low-cost sensors.